Bounce Back in 2017 Book Review and Comments


28th JANUARY, 2017.

Thank you in advance for taking your time to read through.”


The Bounce Back Theory, Phenomenon, Science and Miracle propounded by #1 bestselling author of ‘Unsinkable” Her Grace, Sonia Ricotti is something to gaze upon as one ties the knots of the new year resolutions. 


 "The fastest way to get the wheels in motion and achieve all you desire in life is to...stop, reflect and set an intention"
                                           - Sonia Ricotti

"Remember, it’s not about a financial number or goal,
it’s the “why” behind that financial number or goal."
- Sonia Ricotti

Man! The previous year, 2016, was really hell for most of us in this part of the world-the most populous Black Country in the world.
A terrible recession hit the whole country and every house was affected. I may be wrong or still right but all I know is that every family I communed with actually had their sores to treat.

Fast forward 2017; what we all need is a BOUNCE BACK. There was a time when everything was smooth and rosy but not now.
Prices of basic amenities are sky rocketing like mad but monthly income remains the same. People have even decided to end it all.
I had one experience, some four days ago in my own family. 

Someone decided to drink poison because he saw there was no reason to be alive anymore. It took the grace of God to rescue him from that complex.

People have relocated to their villages to become farmers and there is a strong indication of some worse things to come as is prophesied by different authorities. But in all, it is only they that are ready to BOUNCE BACK that can actually scale through.

I am so glad I ran into Sonia Ricotti’s books: ‘Bounce Back Big in 2017’ and ‘The Ultimate Manifesting Money Blueprint’.
I must confess, these books were written for me. YES! For me. I don’t know about you.

In Bounce Back Big in 2017, you will discover it is the miracle blueprint to turn your life around fast and achieve your wildest dreams. What about ‘The Ultimate Manifesting Money Blueprint’? You will discover the step-by-step guide to achieving great wealth and success effortlessly.

One of my favourite quotes in Bounce Back Big in 2017 is:

“Just trust that everything is unfolding the way it is supposed to. Don’t resist. Surrender to what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be.”

Come to think of it, Sonia nailed it. Most of us dwell too much on the past and forget to take care of the now so that tomorrow will be greater. I concur. I really concur – like the hook in the song of a popular secular musician in my country; Timaya.

Another favourite quote I cherish so much from the second book ‘The Ultimate Manifesting Money Blueprint’ is:

“Money flows easily,
Freely and from

This is it. If you understand this you will scream eureka! Because you would have solved the big deal of a puzzle that has kept so many in the dark for centuries even as a compound, tribe, community, clan, state, country, continent and race. It is the secret of attraction. If there is any other qualification please comment and add to this.

Come to think of it again, there is actually money for everyone of the over six billion human race. How do I know this? The statistics from the money news says it all but the challenge we have is how to attract ours to us.

When you read this book, you will surely have an Aha!

Without wasting your precious time, I want you to quickly download these two books and read them quickly. You can finish them in a sitting and grasp every point you need.

You can do that through this link. Here
Here is a replay of the webinar she conducted some days ago. WEBINAR REPLAY

Lest I forget, Sonia still has something up her sleeves right now.
You can attend her latest free online Unsinkable Bounce Back Webinar Workshop by going to:

I feel really honoured to partner with this wonderful woman of miracles.

The link to the books and free webinar trainings once more are:

2. eBook2

See you in the inside!

Akpos Tutu


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